The Apocalypse of Levar Burton

3 min readAug 14, 2021

Jul 27
so people campaigned for MONTHS to get Jeopardy to bring in LeVar Burton as the new host and when they finally gave him a trial run week, they put him up against THE OLYMPICS and he’s being preempted in major media markets, effectively setting him up to fail???

I feel like they low key tried to sabotage Levar Burton’s week of hosting Jeopardy by scheduling it the first week of the Olympics.

You are NOT alone in thinking that. And #BlackTwitter has taken notice,
@Jeopardy. If ratings are used to justify NOT giving @levarburton the job we’ve SEEN him be great at hosting — for those of us who can FIND the dang episodes wherever they’re hiding — we will remember.

Thus says the Lord

In the final days
I sent My judgment upon this nation.
Was it through the wildfires that scorched the grasslands and the forests?
Was it through the floods that drowned the living things that grow and prosper in these lands?
Was through the whirlwinds that wrought destruction upon the dwellings of human beings and raised the seas against them?
Was it through the poison of its polity or the falsehoods of its rulers?

No, it was not through the fire, nor the floods,
nor the whirlwinds nor the falsehoods,
It was upon the overseers of a game show —
the game show hosted by Alex,
who has gone to join his ancestors.
Most erudite of souls was My servant Alex,
more genial than the angels.

And I heard My people cry out, “Give us Levar!
As Geordie, he had both a taser and a visor,
And for our youth, he poured out words of knowledge.
Ken Jennings is yet another white guy;
He is exceedingly pale.”

But lo, how have the Lords of Jeopardy
responded to My people’s cries?
They slated My servant, Levar,
to host during the Olympics,
so that few in this rebellious nation will watch him.

Behold! I shall send the Executives of Sony Corporation —
they who swallowed up Columbia Pictures and before that Merv Griffin Enterprises, and Mike Richards, him especially —
to Sheol, where there are no viewers or ratings or advertisers,
for they have ignored the cries of My people.

And Mike Richards, that deceiver,
his children will say, “We did not know him;”
His name will be like ashes
in the in the mouths of his descendants.

But My servant Levar, I shall lift up upon My holy mountain.
And from his mouth will come a pleasant breeze.
Fresh winds will burst forth from his lips.
And these winds will clear the air of all that befouls it.
His breath will cool the earth.
It will vanquish the fires in the west.
It will roll back the floods.
The whirlwinds will cease their destruction,
and the seas will return to the Deep.

And My people will stream to the mountain,
where they will have no need of health insurance,
nor fear evictions from their dwellings.
There will be no hurt or hunger on all My holy mountain.
And as a sign of My favor, I shall put a scroll of many colors into the firmament,
And it will form an arc, with the words of My covenant.
It will be a rainbow they can read.

And truth will return to this rebellious nation,
and My people will have the answers they seek.
And the answers will be in the form of a question.




Worked for Christian Peacemaker Teams ( from 1993–2020. I also write novels and do what I can to stop fascism.